These specially made air stone creates an abundant cascade of small to tiny bubbles rather than a limited number of larger bubbles. These smaller bubbles will be much more effective at moving water through the filter, making the filter more effective and efficient.

Based on 816 reviews
Tamal Chakraborty (verified owner) –
My fish loved a teeny star shaped cheap air stone I had gotten from the pet store, but while cleaning the tank I broke it into several pieces. It was really cheap and poorly made. So I thought, she would probably love this larger one. I found out that the bubbles are not as teeny as the cheap one. They are a bit bigger. She is ok with this one, but she completely loved the other one. She would swim thru it over and over to have it push her up like it was some weird fish rollercoaster ride. These bubbles are maybe a small pea size while the other one put out teeny bubbles like in a soda. Other than my not pleasing the diva, this is a great product. Seems to be well made. Good size for a 10 gallon tank. We have an adjuster on the tube to put more bubbles out or less. She seems to like medium as the low was way too boring and all the way on was just a fish being tossed around in the rapids, she avoided it at that speed. It is on the side of the tank under/near the long plants, she hated bubbles in the center of the tank. I had a very depressed fish for that week.
Venkat Ramana (verified owner) –
This airstone works great in my 44 gallon aquarium. I used some food grade silicone to place smooth river rocks around the base that make it appear more natural and keep it from floating upward. The airstone itself hasn’t clogged, chipped or came loose and I am very happy with the purchase.
Rahul Ediga (verified owner) –
The bubbles come out nice and even. Very happy with it.
Bapi Das (verified owner) –
Provides lost more bubbles than the 6″ sticks I was using before. I will purchase this product again in the future.
Minhaj Badaruddin (verified owner) –