Contains 3 food blocks for goldfish, fantails and similar species. 1 food block feeds 1-3 goldfish for 4 to 6 days. The food is encased in calcium sulphate which dissolves with no harmful effects for plants or micro-organisms. The food for goldfish and tropical ornamental fish differ among other things in their respective protein content. Cold water fish (such as goldfish) need a lower protein content than fish from warm waters because of their slow metabolism. For this reason JBL has also developed JBL HolidayRed – a special holiday food for goldfish and other cold water fish – for its range.
Analytical Components:
Crude protein (43.0%)
Crude fat (8.3%)
Crude fibre (1.9%)
Crude ash (8.1%)
Fish and fish by-products. Cereals. Vegetable by-products. Vegetables. Vegetable proteins. Yeast. Eggs and egg products. Algae. Molluscs and crustaceans
Content: 17 G
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